Thursday, September 30, 2010

Facebook Ideas for a Project (CONCEPT MAP)

For my last psychology class, Experimental Psychology. I am working on a project proposal to study how the social networking website,, effects college students in terms of jealousy. In order to begin this project and finalize my topic, I created this concept map which outlines everything having to do with Facebook. It took me a lot of attempts until I got a map I was content with. Through these pictures you can see my progress.

First, I made a list of 50 words using word association that have to do with Facebook. From this list I made a few categories. From there, I created my first concept map which was incredibly messy.

In this draft, I made the categories really stand out in order to see how many other topics were under the main categories.

Draft 3
In this draft, I looked at just the main categories. I will be using this map for my project because it gives me a general idea of the MAIN concepts for my project.

This is my final concept map. It is incredibly neat. The colors relate to the level of importance. Starting with FACEBOOK which is blue and goes out to the 3 categories USE, RELATIONSHIPS, and COLLEGE. The topics I came up with will help to really narrow down my project proposal.

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