Thursday, October 28, 2010

#4 Lawncare

With this graphic, I intended to explain in pictures (no words) what fertilizer to use depending on temperature, weather, and insect conditions. This process proved to be very challenging. I chose to represent the temperature as a thermometer measuring 90 degrees and a sun behind it to represent the heat. The arrow pointing above stand for ABOVE 90 degrees and the arrow below stands for BELOW 90 degrees. To incoporate the other conditions, I used a rain symbol, a red arrow off of rain meant no rain, a green arrow meant yes rain. The same method was used for the insect symbol. This succssefully led the viewer to which lawncare fertilizer to use.

I did many drafts of this and I ran into several problems. One was space. The paper I had did not allow a lot of space for what I had to do. I also found it difficult to find original symbols representing the conditions. Another problem I ran into was repeating the symbols exactly so that the viewer could see that they were the same thing. This took a lot of practice. I also realize one complication of my visual is that the line of conditions do not run straight across to the type of fertilizer to use. Some went in a kind of curved line.

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