Wednesday, December 1, 2010

#9 Storyboard


In assignment two, I used two of the originals and created a storyboard. This was especially challenging because I had to incorporate two pictures which limited my narrative possiblities. In this storyboard, a disaster strikes and people have to be rescued. The first picture is not represenative of the entire area the disaster strikes, it is used to show a normal day is happening. (Boys are playing soccer.) The next picture shows the aftermath of an explosion at a firework factory. The next picture gives a visual of survivors trying to escape the polluted air post-explosion. The last picture shows the aftermath of a rescue situation where survivors are put in a secure and safe area. In this assignment, I used scene-to-scene to depict the different scenes that went on in the story.


In this assignment, I created a storyboard. I learned how elements of a story are separated in order to create one full story. In the first assignment, I took one of the original pictures and added three more to create a sequence of a narrative. In this visual, I used pictures to represent scene-to-scene actions. In the first scene, a girl is wandering around a park. In the second, she meets a group of strange children. The third scene has FBI agents flooding the park. The forth scene is the children being found out; they are robots.

While creating this, I had trouble keeping with a story. It was hard to represent my story in only four pictures. I had difficulty explaining the story in such a short content. I thought the assignment was interesting because it showed the work of the imagination; it was possible to go anywhere with the plot of the story given one picture. I found that from picture to picture the story could go in many directions. The outcomes were endless.

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