Thursday, November 18, 2010

#8 Simple Tables to Graphs

(Please click to enlarge picture)
I am unfamiliar with Excel so my charts were pretty simple. It took me a long time to create the pie graphs and bar graphs. First, I started with a simple chart which just displayed the information. My topic was male and females who applied to RWU and those who were accepted. Then, I separated the information into two graphs in order to simplify the information. I showed who had been accepted in one graph and who had applied in another graph. In the last graph, I put all of this information together.
The great thing about charts is the observations you can gather from looking at them. From looking at this last chart, you can see that obviously more people apply than get in. It is also visible that a significant amount of people are not accepted. More females apply than males and more females are accepted. This shows that their are more females at RWU than males. From the first to pie charts, it is visible that more females are accepted and more females apply. Charts simplify information and make the cognitive load less for viewers. This is why they are helpful in displaying information.

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