Tuesday, November 9, 2010

#6 Explanation Graphic

The graphic I chose to improve was on I found on the internet. It attempted to show how to get rid of fruit flies by creating a trap. The trap consisted of a jar filled with wine and fruit pieces with a paper cone on top to keep the flies trapped in. While this is a great solution to ridding your house of fruit flies, the graphic was extremely confusing. It had real life pictures of someone creating the trap which was beneficial, however, the pictures and instructions were all over the page. There was no alignment. The instructions could be above or below the picture. The pictures even overlapped. The font was also very small. I did my best to improve these elements in my graphics.

The first improvement I made was creating a list of "ingredients" to create the trap. I also included all of the "ingredients" in each step that were required. For instance, if scissors were needed for a step, they were shown in the step. I also improved the original by putting the picture, then the text. This is my first draft.

In my final draft, I found that alignment was extremely important in improving the picture. I used the same size text for all steps. I put the text all in line and the pictures all in line. I believe this creates a much clearer picture for viewers. This graphic will make their task easier to accomplish. I learned the importance of displaying your information in a way that makes viewing easier.

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