Tuesday, November 9, 2010

#7 Flow Charts

The flow charts show two things. 1. How to buy a book on Amazon.com and 2. How to do a Google.com search on "Cognitive Load." These are fairly simple tasks to regular computer and Internet users. However, if you are not familiar with the Internet these may be difficult tasks for you. This flow chart simplifies the process. I found that it was extremely beneficial to list the steps in writing as I did them on my own as the first step in creating the flow charts. This helped to configure my flow charts. I find it interesting that shapes dictate instructions to the user. I think this is helpful in giving the viewer even more clues as to what they should be doing. It helps to reiterate the idea that they should be answering a question (diamond shape) or that they should be doing a process (rectangle shape).

In reflecting on this assignment, I feel that I will use this again. I have seen this type of chart commonly in magazines when I was in middle school. They would use flow charts in quizzes, such as "What Kind of Friend Are You?" With the use of Yes or No questions you would come to your outcome, telling you, in this example, what kind of friend you are: too easy-going, too needy, perfect friend. It would also give advice on what to do with your outcome. It was cool for me to see how to do this type of chart and remember this from my past.

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